My shadow weighs a ton.
On Kepler and scientific Epiphany (repost from Twitter)
If I fail, he dies
Three years later
A story heard over dinner---the culture of innovation at icddr,b
Hypothesis---why do neutralizing antibody titers max out?
I love "Night Science" but wish we didn't need the term
Conjecture---the maximimum possible neutralizing antibody titer
Two fun inferences about neutralizing antibodies and viral infection
Holding myself accountable
Polio shows us the way for COVID (repost from Twitter)
Nothing about birth or death is simple (repost from Twitter)
Late-night reflections following the birth of my daughter
Twenty months home from the war
Talk today -- Choices give meaning to uncertainty.
The 5% of the problem we can't solve becomes 100% of the problem
The best tools are fit for purpose
Welcome to Nothing Is One Thing
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